Are you sometimes unsure of the right return reason code to use? Do dishonored returns and contested dishonored returns have you scratching your head? In this session, we will cover all of the return, dishonored return, and contested dishonored return codes, and when they should appropriately be used. Knowing your rights and responsibilities under the Rules will help you reduce the risk of potential loss for your institution.
This session will focus on:
• Returns • Dishonored returns • Contested dishonored • Corrected dishonored returns
Audience This session is ideal for ACH Operations staff, AAP and APRP Candidates, and Audit and Compliance staff
Continuing Education1.8 AAP/APRP credits
FacilitatorKari Kronberg is a Director of Education at PaymentsFirst, responsible for conducting association training and certification programs, assisting with event planning, and member service. Kari earned a bachelor’s in Business Management from Hamline University. Prior to joining the Macha team in 2021 (which merged with PaymentsFirst in 2025), she worked at a financial institution for 11 years, with seven years in the operations department as the debit card manager. She obtained her AAP certification in 2017, NCP in 2022, and APRP in 2023.
Fee Per PersonMember $149 | Nonmember $249