Live Streamed ~ October 29 - 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CT
The Senior Retail Banking Peer Group provides a platform to join together to exchange ideas, dissect problems, discuss important issues, brainstorm solutions, network, and build lasting relationships with one another. Sessions are designed for Senior Retail Banking Officers serving in roles such as Chief Retail Officer, Head Retail Officer, Regional Sales and Service Manager, Retail Training Director and Head Retail/Deposit Operations Managers. Participants who are unable to attend a particular session are encouraged to send substitutes from their bank who they believe will benefit from the experience or will provide value to other attendees.
Possible Topics
Technology Requirements
FacilitatorsChristie Drexler is the Owner of Drexler Consulting, LLC, a financial services consulting and training business focused on developing purpose-driven, competent, servant leaders in all roles of banking. In association with Performance Solutions, Inc. and Dianne Barton, Christie has offered training and consulting services through Drexler Consulting, LLC, for the past three years. Christie has twenty-six years of direct experience in the financial services industry, working for both community and large regional banks. Her experience has been extensive including successfully navigating retail and commercial banking careers. She has served as Division President, Market President, Chief Credit Officer, Chief Retail Officer, and Regional Sales & Service Manager. Christie has a B.S. in Finance from Berry College and an MBA from Georgia College and State University. She is a passionate facilitator and coach who strives to live the values and leadership strategies she teaches in her training programs.
Josh Collins has twelve years of banking experience serving in various leadership roles in retail banking, human resources, and talent development. Josh’s background includes developing and facilitating banking, customer service, and leadership and culture development training programs. Josh enjoys equipping and encouraging bankers to grow their personal skill sets and build strong teams and cultures to maximize results for themselves and the banks they serve. Josh is a graduate of The University of Georgia and is SHRM-CP certified.
Per Person Fee IBA Member $250Nonmember $415