LaserPro Training

Lincoln Land Community College Medical District, Springfield, IL  
Tuesday, August 06, 2024 - Thursday, August 08, 2024   iCalendar Central Standard Time

LaserPro Training

August 6-8, 2024 | Lincoln Land Community College – Medical District, Springfield

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Each session is limited to 15 registrants.

(select your preference when registering)


Tuesday, August 6 - Commercial Document Preparation for Beginners Workshop*
This session focuses on the steps for producing loan closing documents for commercial loans in the software. This hands-on training is for new and experienced processors responsible for creating non-disclosable loan packages. The admin functionality of LaserPro will not be covered. The class is taught at a beginner’s level. New and experienced processors will benefit most from this class. The Admin functionality of LaserPro will not be covered.


Wednesday, August 7 - Advanced Commercial Document Preparation*
This course focuses on using LaserPro’s workflow for complex commercial loan transactions with the expectation that participants already have experience with the basic workflow and navigation of the commercial module.


Main Objectives

  • Learn to create nested entity borrowers on the Customer Summary Window *Nested entities are when a company is a signer for another company
  • Learn to document complex payment structures and multiple collateral in a transaction 
  • Learn to override LaserPro’s generic language and add your additional language in the documents with Additional Provisions, Exhibits, and LawyerPro


  • Complete the workflow to generate and review a commercial closing package for a UCC and Real Estate secured loan
  • Create an Additional Provision and Exhibit
  • Use LawyerPro to override LaserPro’s language in the documents


  • Basic knowledge of working through commercial loans in LaserPro with at least 1-year experience with the commercial module
  • Basic knowledge of the bank’s lending policies and practices relating to Commercial loans


Thursday, August 8 - Advanced Administration*
This course is designed to teach attendees how to create policies and templates at an advanced level with the expectation that participants already have experience with the admin functionality of the LaserPro software.


Main Objectives

  • Understand the functionality and role of Policies and Templates
  • Learn to create and maintain Policies and Templates


  • Discussion/overview of policies and the role they play in transactions
  • Create a policy from scratch, discussing all the details of each policy component
  • Discussion/overview of templates and the role they play in transactions and create a template from scratch


  • Basic knowledge of LaserPro Admin with at least 1-year experience with LaserPro admin
  • Basic knowledge of your bank’s lending policies and practices

*NOTE: Each participant will complete hands-on work on a computer during the class. This is not a compliance seminar. The trainer cannot render compliance advice or legal counsel advice.


Per Person/Per Program Fee

Each program is limited to 15 registrants.

Members $455
Nonmembers $605

Lincoln Land Community College Medical District  

130 W Mason
Springfield, IL 62702

Map & Directions